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If you wonder why you are being ignored, Robert Gibbs explains why

February 4, 2010


This might explain why the Obama Administration is releasing classified information about Abdul Muttalub and his continued interrogation.  Such arrogance and stupidity.  Obama just finished chastising the Republicans about politicizing issues.  Now, his administration is playing poker with CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to, in some way, excuse the incompetent handling of the Panty Bomber and Kalid Sheik Muhammad.  How is that not politicizing issues?  Worse.  It’s politicizing National Security.  At least we raised our Debt Ceiling by $1.4T.

Wake up and write your Representatives.  Get involved.  Challenge your local school boards.  Excercise your Second Amendment rights and buy a gun legally.  Read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers.  Donate to fiscally conservative/national security minded candidates.  Volunteer for their campaigns.  Educate your neighbors and get them to vote. 

Or just kiss your ass goodbye because you are too lazy to take action.

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